martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

The dark truth behind bluffing

As long as you are playing poker, there will always be some bluffing involved. Bluffing is one of the things that make the game so exciting. If all the players had a way of knowing each other’s cards, then the best hand would always win every game. When you are playing poker, you are not availed all the information needed to make a win. A bluff is made when you want the other players to think that you have the best hand.

When you bluff, your intention is usually to raise the stakes even if you have a weak hand. Every good player has the skills required to make a good bluff. For you to be a winning player, you need to know of the perfect time to call a bluff. This can only be done by those players who understand the functions of a bluff.

The easiest way for a player to win a poker game is if they are dealt an ace with each hand. As good as that may sound the odds of that happening are almost nonexistent. A good poker player is one who can create a win with any kind of cards dealt their way. It is very risky for a player to bluff too many times in a game. Even those players who bluff at the wrong time also loose their ground. It is very essential for you to know how to achieve a balance between your bluffs.
When you are playing poker, you need to make use of the two major bluffs.

The pure bluff is made by a player who is having a bad hand and wants to bet or raise their hand. The bluff is made by those people who have no chance of improving on their game. This is usually an attempt to make the rest of the players fold.

The other kind of bluff is known as a semi bluff. In this bluff, the player bets with a hand that is not so good. They always base their decision on the fact that there is a chance of improving on the hand later on in the game.

Most players are usually of the assumption that after a certain number of hands, a player is expected to bluff. It is wrong to assume that you need to make a bluff regardless of the cards that you hold. If you do not observe the cues displayed by the other players, there is a likelihood of loosing the game.

It is always important to learn how to pull off bluffs. However, bluffing is not an essential part of poker. The number of times you bet has no impact on the outcome of the game. Your experience as a poker player is determined by how well you can execute your bluffs.

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